in Mother's Health in Pregnancy by
According to my calculations, I am 7 weeks 4 days pregnant, but the doctor says it's my 6th week. However, there is no heartbeat detected. The doctor mentioned that I have a severe UTI causing swelling in my uterus, making it difficult to see clearly. They did observe a fetal pole and gestational sac during the scan. I'm terrified as this is my first pregnancy at 21 years old. Is there a chance of hearing the baby's heartbeat within the next week?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

It can be concerning when no heartbeat is detected at this stage of pregnancy, but it's important to understand that every pregnancy is unique and develops at its own pace. In some cases, the heartbeat may not be detectable until later on. The presence of a yolk sac and fetal pole is a positive sign indicating early development.

The UTI and swelling in your uterus can make it challenging for the doctor to visualize everything clearly during the scan. Once the infection is treated and the swelling subsides, it may become easier to detect the heartbeat.

It's natural to feel anxious about this situation, especially since it's your first pregnancy. However, try to remain positive and follow your doctor's advice closely. They will monitor your progress closely through regular check-ups and ultrasounds.

During your next appointment or ultrasound session, there is a possibility that you will hear your baby's heartbeat if sufficient time has passed for it to become audible. If not, don't panic just yet; sometimes it takes a little longer for the heartbeat to become detectable.

Remember that stress can negatively impact both you and your baby, so try to stay calm and take care of yourself physically and emotionally during this waiting period.

If you experience any concerning symptoms such as severe pain, heavy bleeding, or sudden changes in your condition, contact your doctor immediately. They are there to support you and provide the necessary guidance throughout your pregnancy journey.

2 Answers

0 votes
Здравствуйте. Нужно подождать и посмотреть ещё раз. При поздней овуляции сердцебиение появляется позже 
Большое спасибо за ваш быстрый ответ, моя любовь.
0 votes
Yes dear.. don't worry by next week it will come.. some times it takes time to develop heartbeat... But do not neglect ur uti... Get proper treatment for that
Thank You so much for showing positivity. UTI is almost about to treat. I hope it would my healthy pregnancy with a healthy baby. In Sha Allah Aameen.

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