in Tests at Pregnancy by
Hi, I'm currently in my 5th week of pregnancy and during an ultrasound, only the gestational sac and yolk sac were seen. There was no sign of a fetal pole or heartbeat. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced the same thing?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

At 5 weeks of pregnancy, it is not uncommon for an ultrasound to only show a gestational sac and yolk sac without a visible fetal pole or heartbeat. This is because the fetus is still in its early stages of development. It's important to remember that every pregnancy is different, and some may progress at a slightly slower pace. However, if you are concerned about the lack of fetal pole or heartbeat, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider for further evaluation. They may recommend additional ultrasounds or tests to monitor the progress of your pregnancy. It's also helpful to hear from others who have had similar experiences, as they can provide support and reassurance during this time.

4 Answers

0 votes
I too have the same experience , now I'm in my 30 week of pregnancy and everything is going fine , don't panic some will see their fetal pols at week 12 and the ultrasound in 12th week will confirm your pregnancy, till then stay cool and don't panic ,,
Thank you so much.. Is it normal to have brown spotting rarely?
I once had the same thing with my first pregnancy I was diagnosed with blighted ovum you can google that and unfortunately I lost that pregnancy .
Blighted ovum ka koi treatment Lia tha
Konsy week me diagnose hwa tha?
Mera 8th week chal Raha hy abi TK fetal pole NHE seen hwa what should I do
Hello saketha,  how's your pregnancy going, what about your baby's update.
0 votes
Me also face same situation. Docter suggested after two week scanning. Pray for me..
0 votes
Facing the same situation, am on my 6th week , no heartbeat , only a sac , doctor was worried that I might have had missed miscarriage but he did the blood test to check if the HCG levels are rising n they are rising rapidly . hope you feel better . I was scheduled to come back on the 10th week . every pregnancy is different, some get the heartbeat early some late 
0 votes
Repeat USG scan after 2weeks

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