So I had the same problem. But my mom found solutions to help with it. I am not sure if it will work for you because every woman is different. But i use Lansinoh Lanolin Nipple Cream. You can use this after the baby is born too. If your breastfeeding, you have put it on before you even feed your baby and you don't even have to wipe it off. You can leave it on. Another solution is a bra... like a soft night wearing bra could help. I know there are more stuff out there that can help you. But those ones helped me. I hope they do for you. If they dont, you can always talk to your doctor about it or look online.
I use Earth Mama Natural Nipple Butter. It's great for nursing too!
Hey, I used all natural shea butter, on my belly and also on my boobs and nipples as well,it helps with the itching and soreness.
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