in Tests at Pregnancy by anonymous
I am currently 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I'm curious about how long it typically takes for HCG levels to rise, and when can I expect to see a dark pink line on a pregnancy test instead of a faint one? Can anyone share their experiences?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

The time it takes for HCG levels to increase can vary from person to person. Generally, in early pregnancy, HCG levels double every 48-72 hours. So, if your initial level was low, it may take longer for the levels to reach the threshold where a dark pink line appears on a pregnancy test. It's important to note that the darkness of the line is not necessarily an indicator of the health or progress of your pregnancy. Some women may have lighter lines even with higher HCG levels. If you're concerned about your HCG levels or have any other questions, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider who can provide personalized guidance based on your specific situation.

5 Answers

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by anonymous
Best answer

Each woman is different I will tell you this it took me i would say about a month a couple weeks for two dark lines to show up every pregnancy test was negative before that and then when I got my first one back positive I was unsure so I tried 13 times.. yes I did say I did take 13 tests lol. Here I am almost 36 weeks. So each woman like I said is different my hcg level wasn't high enough until abit over a month of a late period. 

by anonymous
Okay cool. Thank you so much. Ive read somewhere that spotting and bleeeding lets out the hormone so I was thinking maybe that had to do with It becayse I was spotting around that time. Was just unsure,  I took a test at one day late an got a faint line so decided to wait about 5days to try another (1$ DG test-because well I'm broke) and it was negative so Im just really confused  cuz i was expecting it to be double the darkness. I had read something about cryptic pregnancy which I didnt assume was happening but kept into consideration. But if there Is a baby in my oven ,  I should be 6 weeks 4days according to my dates and this app. Just don't wann call any Dr. Or make any appointments WO a better clarification from home. Thank u.
by anonymous
See I can't help on the bleeding/spotting part cause I actually am one of the women who never had that happen when I got pregnant instead I found out cause I thought I had the flu for over a month cause I couldn't keep food down lol. And if it makes you feel better trust me I tried all types of pregnancy tests even ones from the dollar stores cause yes even I was broke trying to afford them so I understand, the best result is through a blood test but if ever in doubt go to a doctor recommend a blood test normally they do a pee test first but if you ask for a blood test they will do it and that one is always 100% accurate. Sometimes it takes women a month or longer to show up for a positive test either just give it some time or within the next few weeks ask for either test from a doctor! Cause if you are 6 weeks pregnant then it should hopefully show on a pee test or blood.
0 votes
6weeks I'm now 3 months pregnant and 13 weeks and 3days 
0 votes
I am currently 4 weeks 4 days, and took lots of test the month my period was 2 days late  (November 20ish 2019) and didn't get a DARK positive until 2 days ago (12/13/2019). Missed period.
0 votes
I got my dark line the first time I took a test and that was 4 days after I missed my pees so approximately 3-4weeks of pregnancy 
Actually it appeared the day I expected the period
0 votes
Hi there 

I took a pregnancy test a week later after conception because we planned it. 

For the first time both lines were dark pink,  not knowing that I was going to be having twins. 

Well I'll be 20 weeks tomorrow. My due date is on May 26, 2020.

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