in Pregnancy Period General by anonymous
It's my first pregnancy, and based on the date of my last menstrual period (LMP) and the day of conception, I should be 13 weeks pregnant. How long does it typically take for a positive pregnancy test result to show up after missing a period?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer


15 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous

I didn't get a positive test til almost 6 weeks but different strokes for different folks

Same with my first. Second 5 ush and this one day before period is due.
0 votes
by anonymous

I am 5weeks and 3 days preganant . I kept tracking my bhcg levels using upt kits . I got a faint postive line even before my missed periods . Precisely on 9th day after ovulation I got a faint postive line , it got darker everyday and I got a line as same as control line after 17days post ovulation that was 1 day after my missed period . 

It varries from individual to individual .There are many upt kits available which can detect bhcg levels 6-7 days before missed period.  

0 votes
4 days after missed period i got positive pregnancy result. This is my 4th pregnancy. If your 13 weeks you would of had a positive test way before now. Did you mean 13 days? 
I tested 3 days after missing my period and the first test showed up quickly and did not take 3 minutes. The second test was digital and took a minute to show up.
0 votes
by (13 points)
On ALL OF MY FIRST 5 PREGNANCIES,  I was at least 6 weeks. But this last one now..... I was right at 5 or 4 weeks and 5 days. Reasons I found out earlier was, we were trying for almost a year to conceive.  I checked all the time hoping for a positive.  Finally I got a positive after many disappointing negatives.  My husband said go get tested at dr. So they drew blood and I was almost 5 weeks.  My hug level was around 1200. So he thought I was further along than I really was. But then I did another test and it was over 2000. High enough for ultrasound.  Reason my hug level was so high and I thought we conceived earlier than we actually did...... we were pregnant with TWINS!!! Sad that only one survived past 9 weeks, but we are 21 weeks with a healthy boy!!
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I found out I was pregnant when I went in the emergency room at 4 weeks. Go in for a cold and stomach pains and found out I was pregnant when they did a urine and blood work. And they did an ultra sound too 
I did not wait for my next period before checking cause I was already feeling restless. Morethan one week before my next period, that is is less than 2weeks after my last period.
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8 dpo had a faint line.
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I took the test a couple days after I missed my whole period because I had regular periods and knew something was up 
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I took a month to test after missing my period.
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I took a test 3 days BEFORE I missed my period and it was a very dark double line!! I was trying for a baby so I couldn't wait.... It's more accurate if you take a digital one as a back up just uncase the lines are not fully visible
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A month after mine got out I got pregnant 
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I still haven't so I bought a dopller cause I knew I was so ... I found my boo baby's heart beat still waiting too see how far along I am!!! The ❤ beat is rite below my navel so about 14 weeks I guess!
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I tested 6 days after my period was missed to make sure. 
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First day of missed period and it was neg.... I retook 2 days later and positive... Im 5 weeks 1 day
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I find out I was pregnant 2 or 3 weeks later. Now I'm 30 weeks pregnant with my second son...... 
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Day 1 itself. 

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