in Birth by anonymous
Is it possible to determine the gender of a baby at 37 weeks pregnant based on the fetal heart rate?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

At 37 weeks pregnant, it is not possible to accurately determine the gender of a baby based solely on the fetal heart rate. The commonly believed myth that a higher or lower heart rate indicates the gender is not supported by scientific evidence. Fetal heart rates can vary throughout pregnancy and are influenced by various factors such as activity level, maternal stress, and gestational age. The only reliable method for determining the gender of a baby is through medical procedures such as ultrasound or genetic testing.

2 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous
I don't believe it but, people say if its lower then 150 it's a boy. 150 and over a girl. 
If your child’s fetal heart rate is below 140 bpm (beats per minute), that’s one of the signs of having a baby boy.
If your child’s fetal heart rate is above 140 bpm, that’s one of the signs of a baby girl. I had 3 boys all 3 boys heart beats was around 130 I am currently pregnant with a girl and her heartbeat has been 145-150 . So out of 4 kids I believe it's true.
Thats cool I've got 4 boy pregnant again but we chose not find out the sex it's 148bpm i would love a little girl after 4 boys if this theory is true
0 votes
I had 3 boys all 3 boys heart beats were above 150 I am almost 5 weeks pregnant now to early to hear heartbeat for this one.

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