in Pregnancy Period General by anonymous
I had sex with someone on April 3rd/4th and experienced bleeding. Two weeks later, I had another bleed and then had sex with two different guys in May. Now I'm 17+4 days pregnant and trying to figure out who the dad could be. Can you provide any advice or guidance?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Determining the paternity of a child can be a complex process, especially when multiple partners are involved. While it is not possible to definitively determine the father without DNA testing, there are some methods that may help narrow down the possibilities. First, consider the timing of your sexual encounters in relation to your menstrual cycle. If you were ovulating around the time of intercourse, there is a higher chance of conception. However, keep in mind that sperm can survive inside the female body for up to five days, so even if you had sex before or after ovulation, pregnancy is still possible. It's also important to note that bleeding during early pregnancy does not necessarily indicate a miscarriage or implantation bleeding - it could be due to other factors such as hormonal changes or cervical irritation. To get accurate results and peace of mind, consult with a healthcare professional who can guide you through DNA testing options and provide support throughout this process.

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by anonymous

Hello, Sorry you're going through this confusion, however the timeline that you're giving is a good 4 weeks apart therefore making it a little easier to calculate & the baby's father would most likely be from the encounter on April 28th when I count back 130 days from today! I hope this helps, again I'm only going off of the timeline you provided 17+4days as of 31st Aug 2018 (18+4days (130 days) as of 7th Sept = 130 days) meaning conception would be around 30th April 2018!! Good luck & congratulations

by anonymous
Thabk you I'm currently 19 weeks today

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