in Baby Health During Pregnancy by (1 point)
I'm currently pregnant with my second child and I'm curious if it's possible to feel any movement from the baby at 5 weeks and 2 days into the pregnancy. Can fetal movement be detected this early?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer


2 Answers

0 votes
No way ,baby will be too small during 5weeks
Wowokay what a shock, tnx so much I should recheck the time of when I conceived because I can clearly feel the baby move, the movement is even visible to my husband from where he is sitting....
0 votes
You may not feel the baby move until about 14 or 15 weeks on average because the baby is too small. Many women don't feel regular movement until about 20 weeks. I would contact your doctor, because if you are feeling movement at 5 weeks it may be something else, or you are further along than you think you are. 
Tnx so much for both of you for replying, it helps a lot, I will see a doctor as soon as possible, it might be further along cuz I'm not quite sure when I got pregnant though....

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