in Mother's Health in Pregnancy by anonymous
I am currently 11 weeks pregnant and experiencing constant fatigue, making it difficult for me to complete my daily tasks. What are some solutions to help boost my energy levels during this stage of pregnancy?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer


3 Answers

0 votes
by anonymous
Best answer

Im so annoyed with the tired feeling.  Im 5 weeks pregnant just found out 3 days ago.  Have been tied for the last 2 weeks.  Work 8 hour shifts and just get cranky by 2pm. 

0 votes
by anonymous

I didn't have much energy at all in my first 12 weeks. The only thing you can do is ride it out. If your body is saying you're tired, then rest or sleep. Your baby is taking a log of energy from you. At around 3pm every day I needed to sleep, even when at work. I was so tired that when I got home I went to bed and slept for 2-3hours. You will get your energy back it will just take time. Go with what your body is telling you. You will feel better

by anonymous
I agree with what she said listen to your body it tells you alot
0 votes
by anonymous

Felt the same and I couldn't do anything about it. After 12 weeks things got better. I am now 18 weeks 3 days and I feel normal again. That feeling will soon go away.

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