in Pregnancy Period General by
I'm currently 19 weeks and 4 days pregnant with my fifth baby, but I haven't felt any movement yet. Is this normal? Unfortunately, I can't visit my doctor due to the riots in Durban. What should I do?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

It is not uncommon for women to start feeling fetal movements between 18-25 weeks of pregnancy. However, every pregnancy is different, and some women may not feel movement until later on. Factors such as the position of the placenta or the baby's activity level can affect when you feel those first kicks. If you are unable to see your doctor due to external circumstances like riots, try not to worry too much. Keep an eye out for other signs of a healthy pregnancy, such as a growing belly or regular prenatal check-ups. If you have any concerns or notice any unusual symptoms besides lack of movement, consider reaching out to your healthcare provider through alternative means like phone calls or online consultations. They will be able to provide guidance based on your specific situation and help ease your worries.

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Not required it will be developed after 20-23 weeks

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