in Pregnancy Period General by
I am currently in my third trimester of pregnancy and experiencing severe back pain, vaginal pain, and pelvic pain. Additionally, I have noticed white discharge for the past two days. What could be causing these symptoms and how can I find relief?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

During the third trimester of pregnancy, it is common to experience discomfort such as back pain, vaginal pain, pelvic pain, and white discharge. These symptoms can be caused by various factors including hormonal changes, increased pressure on the pelvis and lower back due to the growing baby, and changes in vaginal discharge. To find relief from these symptoms, try practicing good posture, using a pregnancy pillow for support while sleeping or sitting, engaging in gentle exercises like prenatal yoga or swimming (with your doctor's approval), applying heat or cold packs to affected areas for short periods of time, wearing supportive shoes with low heels, avoiding lifting heavy objects or bending over frequently, practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation to reduce stress levels which can exacerbate pain. It is important to consult with your healthcare provider about your symptoms to rule out any underlying conditions that may require medical intervention.

2 Answers

0 votes
Don't worry just be ready for labor.....I guess 
0 votes
I am have pain too but I am 25 week pregnant is that normal to have that I am 6 months pregnant 

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