in Baby Health During Pregnancy by
What does it indicate when the fetal heart rate flickers?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

When the fetal heart rate flickers, it typically indicates a normal fluctuation in the baby's heart rate. This is a positive sign that shows the baby's cardiovascular system is developing and functioning properly. Fetal heart rate flickering can be observed during ultrasound examinations and is often associated with movement or changes in position. It is important to note that occasional fluctuations in fetal heart rate are normal and should not cause concern. However, if there are persistent or significant abnormalities in the heart rate pattern, it may require further evaluation by a healthcare professional to ensure the well-being of both mother and baby.

2 Answers

0 votes
TBH I have no clue, maybe it means it's beating really fast. I am sorry I don't know.
0 votes
Means heart beat of fetus is not regular...It is flicker.means up n down..After one or two week do again scan..As per doctor suggestion.dont worry be positive.

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