in Pregnancy Period General by anonymous
Hello, this could be my first time being pregnant and I want to know what I can expect during this potentially being my first pregnancy.
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Congratulations on your possible first pregnancy! It's an exciting time filled with new experiences and changes. During your first pregnancy, you can expect a range of physical and emotional changes as your body prepares for the arrival of your baby. Some common symptoms include morning sickness, fatigue, breast tenderness, frequent urination, and mood swings. You may also notice changes in your appetite and food cravings. It's important to take care of yourself by eating a balanced diet, staying active with gentle exercise, getting plenty of rest, and attending regular prenatal check-ups. Remember to reach out to your healthcare provider if you have any concerns or questions throughout your pregnancy journey. Enjoy this special time as you prepare to welcome your little one into the world!

2 Answers

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by anonymous

Everyone goes through it differently...

I've got 2 kids already and expecting 3rd on the way.

First child I wasn't so tired, had morning sickness only in the mornings, he came 2 days early with a natural delivery. I wasnt going to take pain meds with him but 2 hrs before he came I needed something, the gas made me vomit so pethidine it was, kinda of worked. Never experienced water breaking with him, contractions woke me up early morning it was like a really bad cramp/ period pain only 10 times worse. He had a meconium birth, where they do their first poo in the sack and inhale it on the way out which can cause problems later on...in his case he's got asthma but it's not bad, only gets bad when he's having a race or gets a cold which sometimes causes pneumonia. As for myself I hemorrhaged after birth , had to stay 2 weeks in hospital before going home. 

Second child I was more tired, morning sickness was mostly in the afternoons but wasn't everyday. She came 1 week late and had to be an emergency c section as she was stuck, so epidural  was needed and damn that stuff was good, I was sleeping through my contractions. I experienced water breaking with this one, it sounded like a balloon popping followed by a gush of water like turning the tap on. I felt contractions with this one wasn't as bad as the first child. During procedure I wasnt able to see anything it just felt like tug of war, I felt like there was a big hole in my tummy. I was bed bound for a few days, but still in pain even after 2 wks, just getting in and out of bed or sitting was painful. Again had to stay in hospital for 2 wks before going home. Baby turned out healthy and fine 

Now with 3rd I'm not looking forward to contractions but excited to meet the little one. I'm not finding out the sex till it's born. Morning sickness with this one was all over the place it could happen at anytime throughout the day which sucked. I'm 4 months now the morning sickness is gone but I'm getting heartburns. I'm hoping for a VBAC (viginal birth after caesarean) definitely prefer natural to c section only because recovery is quicker. 

That's my experience.... Hope that helps a bit.

0 votes

I'm 21 weeks and it's my first pregnancy. I had bad morning sickness up until 12 weeks, following that I feel perfectly fine, odd back ache here and there, also increasingly tired all the time. 

But like previously stated every woman is different.

This is my first i am now 31 weeks. Never had morning sickness and found it quite easy. No cravings only thing I couldnt stand was being around strong perfumes and still now vinegar. This third trimester is getting hard with back ache and dragging and peeing at 5am on the dot.

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