in Pregnancy Period General by anonymous
Can I determine the father of my baby based on the dates of intercourse and pregnancy? I had sex with two different partners close together, and now I'm 11+6 weeks pregnant. Is there a way to tell which one is the father based on the dates? Please provide advice without judgment. Thank you.
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Determining paternity based solely on dates can be challenging, but it is possible to get an estimate. If you had your period or experienced implantation bleeding on April 4th, it is likely that conception occurred around that time. However, keep in mind that sperm can survive inside the female reproductive system for up to five days. The best way to determine paternity accurately is through DNA testing after the baby is born. This will provide conclusive results and eliminate any doubts or uncertainties. It's important to communicate openly with both potential fathers about your situation and discuss their willingness to undergo DNA testing if necessary. Remember, seeking advice without judgment is essential, so reach out to healthcare professionals or support organizations who can provide guidance and support during this process.

1 Answer

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First of all, don't be ashamed of anything. And I've just gone back in my calendar, if you're 11 weeks + 6 days then you conceived around 28th of April, so it's looking likely to be the second guy, but you'll only know with 100% certainty if you get a  paternity test once the baby is born hon 

by anonymous
Hi I just found out I'm die O2 Feb had my  13 weeks scan I'm 12+2  so I think the dates work out to be second if I'm right?  As I slept with 1st  guy on the 3rd then had period or a early then the other guy two weels later and had slept win him multiplr times after

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