in Baby Health During Pregnancy by anonymous

I am 7 weeks pregnant and am prescribed gabapentin. Would like to hear if anyone else is and that the baby is okay 

closed with the note: Someone is being rude

1 Answer

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You are not dying !
P.S. I would change the doctor who prescribed it to you while pregnant! 
by anonymous
Wow.. I have to take it
by anonymous
I never said I was dieing.... Thank you for not being kind about my question. This medication is about my seizures.  P.s I have been on this medication(s) a long time and I am freaking out about my baby...
It's about health and life of your baby. You don't have to anything. Find an alternative / natural solution that helps with seizures. Do some heavy research. There is no excuse these days. Internet is knowledge. Again: it's about your baby's life. To bad you didn't do your research and tries before you got pregnant.  I'm sorry if you feel I'm being unkind. I'm just trying to help. P.S. watch "LIFE BEFORE BIRTH" free on YouTube. Good luck. I hope your baby will be healthy and strong. Love
nasty person!!! poor girl is worried and you berate her...jog on
by anonymous
I have heard of many people taking that while pregnant. In fact from what I understand it is prescribed instead of many other meds because it is much safer during pregnancy. One of my best friends took it her entire pregnancy& her daughter was fine. No complications or problems. Obviously every baby& momma is different. Talk to your doctor about your concerns, If anyone can put your mind at ease he can. IGNORE THE RUDE COMMENTS ABOUT MEDICINE WHILE PREGNANT! OBVIOUSLY Nobody WANTS TO HAVE TO TAKE ANYTHING WHILE PREGNANT! BUT THE MOTHERS HEALTH IS IMPORTANT AS WELL!!! GOOD LUCK HUN
by anonymous
Do you feel better about yourself when you try to put down a scared pregnant girl?? Like srsly!?! She was looking for help not a judgemental lecture. Geeze...some people need to get down off their high horse & back to reality!
Your a horror of a human being and Clealy uneducated do not comment on something you know nothing about and think becuase you watch a you tube video you know all  .... Sounds like a troll to me ignore her and people like her... I feel sorry for her
Correct me if I'm wrong, thats Neurotin, right? I had a friend a while back that was prescribed this while pregnant as well. Here are the facts, just to keep it simple. your baby will likely be just fine. Ignore the moms that act like natzis. this is your pregnancy. you and your doctor will make the best decision together. . Another fact, Your baby may have withdraw symptoms after birth. the hospital will monitor closely and do what's needed for the babies health and safety. I will say this, doctors these days are prescribing nuerorin for a ton of crap other than seizures, although that is why it was originally created. I do suggest asking your doctor if there are any other alternatives, and not just because your pregnant. Nuerotin can be abused and is considered addictive. its not put in the same category as most other addictive prescriptions, but because of its addictive properties, I'm more concerned for your longterm well being. Noone but you knows the full extent of your health and needs. so again, screw anyone that acts like a raging bitch. you asked the question, which shows your concern for your child. thats all being a good mom is =) you'll be fine! just keep doing what you did when you asked this question! keep asking questions!

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