in Pregnancy Period General by anonymous
How early in pregnancy can I schedule an ultrasound appointment if I am currently 3 weeks and 5 days pregnant? Is it too soon to see a doctor as well?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

At 3 weeks and 5 days pregnant, it may be too early to detect a heartbeat or see much on an ultrasound. However, you can still schedule an appointment with your doctor to confirm your pregnancy and discuss any concerns or questions you may have. They will be able to provide guidance on when the best time for an ultrasound would be based on your individual circumstances. Generally, most doctors recommend waiting until around 6-8 weeks of pregnancy for the first ultrasound, as this is when the fetal heartbeat becomes more visible. However, every pregnancy is different, so it's important to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

10 Answers

0 votes

I had my first ultrasound at 9 weeks, 5 days. 

First doctor's visit at week 7. 

I had my ultrasound at 13 weeks and seen my doctor at 15 weeks
0 votes
by anonymous

You can go and see ur doctor right away , once  u know that u are pregnant,  the first ultrasound would be between 11 to 13 weeks and second at 20 weeks,  ur doctor would provide all the necessary documents and book to u at ur first visit 

0 votes

I went to the doctor as soon as I found out at 5 wks... Got my ultrasound at 7 wks 

0 votes
by anonymous

All doctor a are different but most prefer you to be pass 6 weeks because an ultrasound wount show much so most wait until 9 weeks mine's wait until 13 weeks to pass the misscarage stage which is highest in first trimester 

0 votes
by anonymous
You should get a blood req from your family doc and referred to an ob around 10 to 14 weeks. 
0 votes
IIt is too early to see anything on an us. 7-9 weeks is the best time for a first us. Before then you wont be able to see anything other than a sac.
0 votes
After 2 month u go to dr and before three month u dont do ultrasound plz because if u do ultrasound transvaginal u can have miscarriage 
0 votes
13 weeks better to visit a dr
0 votes
Wait till 6th week as per my experience I wnt for ultrasound at 5th week 3 days but no heart beat decducted..dr call me again in 6th week and thn heart beat dected.. If u went early u might face unnessary stress and tensions regarding heartbeat 
0 votes
It's better to check around five weeks to confirm that the sac is implanted in uterus and not the fallopian tube..... 

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