in Tests at Pregnancy by
I am currently pregnant with my third child and hoping for a boy, as I already have two girls. Is it possible to determine the gender of the baby at 17 weeks? Additionally, besides searching on Google, can anyone provide me with information about the symptoms associated with carrying a boy?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Determining the gender of a baby at 17 weeks is possible through an ultrasound examination. However, it is important to note that accuracy may vary. While some healthcare providers may be able to make an educated guess based on certain indicators, such as genital development, it is not always foolproof.

As for symptoms associated with carrying a boy, there are no definitive scientific studies or evidence to support specific symptoms being exclusive to one gender. Each pregnancy is unique and can differ from person to person. It's best not to rely solely on symptoms for determining the gender of your baby.

If you're curious about your baby's gender, consider discussing it with your healthcare provider during your prenatal appointments. They can guide you through any available options for determining the gender and provide accurate information based on medical expertise.

1 Answer

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by (6 points)
You can find out the gender as early as 8wks with the NIPT blood test that your doctor orders or you can do an early ultrasound. I did a 3d ultrasound at 14wks and found out I was having my 4th boy !! I payed $50 and was the best experience ever. I am now on my 5th and hope this time around it's a girl lol

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