in Baby Health During Pregnancy by (1 point)
Can the heart rate of 155 at 17 weeks pregnant help determine the gender of my baby? What are your thoughts on whether I'm having a boy or girl based on this heart rate?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

The belief that fetal heart rate can predict the gender of a baby is a popular old wives' tale. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. The average fetal heart rate ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute, and it can vary throughout pregnancy. While some people believe that a higher heart rate indicates a girl and a lower heart rate indicates a boy, this theory has been debunked by medical professionals. The truth is, the fetal heart rate is influenced by various factors such as maternal activity level, gestational age, and individual variations. It is essential to remember that only an ultrasound or genetic testing can accurately determine the sex of your baby. So, while it's fun to speculate based on old wives' tales, don't rely solely on the heart rate for predicting your baby's gender!

8 Answers

0 votes
My babies heart rate is 155 and I'm having a girl ❤
It's heart rate was same from ur early pregnancy
My baby's heart rate was 156 and I'm having a boy so you can't go off the heart rate.
Heart rate actually can go either way...with all 3 of my girls the heart rate was high 150-160s and my son's was lower 130s however my bestfriend had 3 boys and all of their heart rates were high 150-160's so never really know with that
0 votes
My first girl i was always 160 to 169

Im pregnant agwin with a girl and hers is 140 to 145
140 to 145 means ur having a boy
Hi my baby's heart rate is always in that line and im having a girl so you cant always go on the heart rate
Exactly my boy is higher than my girl
0 votes
Wait for 3 more weeks and go for anomaly scan and find out the gender why being curious and making guesses lol. You don't have to wait much longer now.
0 votes
You really can't go by the baby heart rate. I'm have a boy
0 votes
Hi I think the bundle of joy is a cute little boy if course. 
0 votes
In my experience girl
0 votes
It's a boy I'm 20 weeks and my son heart beat is 147 and in the beginning my baby heartbeat was 167 so it really doesn't matter how high or low you still will never know 
0 votes
U cant judge by heart beat it's fake my girl was 157 and my boy was 165 so it isnt true at all. I got my blood done and was a Male for this baby  u can get sneekpeak and have tested up till 19 weeks preg

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