in Tests at Pregnancy by
What could be the reason for an invalid blood test result when the PT (Prothrombin Time) test is positive?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

An invalid blood test result despite a positive PT test can occur due to various reasons. One possibility is that there was an error or issue with the blood sample collection, handling, or processing. It could also be caused by interference from certain medications or substances in your bloodstream. Additionally, technical issues with the testing equipment or methodology could lead to an invalid result. To determine the exact cause, it is recommended to consult with your healthcare provider who can review your specific case and provide further guidance. They may suggest repeating the blood test using proper protocols and precautions to ensure accurate results.

1 Answer

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My home test were positive and I went to the er because i was hurting real bad and my bloodwork came back negative as well. I had missed my period and was always nauseous. I waited until i missed my next period (3 weeks later) and went back to the er and found out i was almost 7 weeks pregnant. So i was at least 4 weeks when my bloodwork was negative. I'm now 10 weeks and 2 days. 

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