in Nutrition in Pregnancy by
I am currently 31+4 weeks pregnant and have gained 19 kilograms. Is this considered too much weight gain? During the first two to three months, I experienced frequent vomiting.
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Weight gain during pregnancy is a normal and necessary part of the process. The amount of weight you should gain depends on various factors such as your pre-pregnancy weight, body type, and overall health. On average, women are advised to gain between 11-16 kilograms throughout their pregnancy. However, it's important to remember that every pregnancy is different and individualized recommendations from your healthcare provider should be followed. Experiencing vomiting in the early stages of pregnancy can affect weight gain, but it's best to consult with your doctor or midwife for personalized advice based on your specific circumstances. They will monitor your overall health and ensure that both you and your baby are progressing well.

1 Answer

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Yes it is, A normal and healthy weight should not cross more than 5 kgs by ur week. U need to visit ur nutritionist and start some yoga to burn extra calories. Don't over eat. Eat healthy

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