in Baby Health During Pregnancy by
I am currently in my 7th week of pregnancy and I haven't experienced any symptoms so far. This includes not having the need to urinate frequently like every 10 to 15 minutes. Is this lack of symptoms normal or should I be concerned?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

It is important to note that every pregnancy is unique and symptoms can vary greatly from woman to woman. While some women experience a range of pregnancy symptoms early on, others may have little to no symptoms at all. In your case, not experiencing frequent urination or other common symptoms at 7 weeks is considered normal and does not necessarily indicate a problem with your pregnancy. However, it is always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and reassurance. They can evaluate your specific situation and provide guidance based on your medical history and individual needs. Remember that each person's body responds differently to hormonal changes during pregnancy, so try not to compare yourself too much with others or worry unnecessarily if you don't experience the same symptoms as someone else. Trusting your instincts and seeking professional medical advice when needed will help ensure a healthy and happy pregnancy journey for you.

6 Answers

+1 vote
Yes some women are lucky enough not to have any symptoms of pregnancy and personally I consider y'all types the very lucky ones because the symptoms you get with pregnancy are awful for some of us women so you are very very lucky hunny but it doesnt mean there is something wrong but congrats and good luck with your pregnancy.
0 votes
by (8 points)
That is common. I am 22 weeks and have to per every 1-2 hours. It may depend on your fluid intake as well. Many women don't have to pee every 10-15 minutes until the 3rd trimester. 
0 votes
by (1 point)
Good my LMP 28 days no symptoms urine test negative
I am 12 weeks pregnant and I am sick 24/7 and its awful.  Can't eat properly only drink peppermint tea
0 votes
Am feeling same dear, am 6 weeks no any symptoms. On like my other baby, I was so sick from week one till 5 months.ay God protect all the pregnant women with sound health.
0 votes
It's completely normal, I didn't have any symptoms until I was in my third month of pregnancy and the symptoms were very mild, as long as everything is okay with you and the baby then rest assured. We are not the same.
0 votes
Yes it is... It doesnt mean you are not having healthy pregnancy. But normally symptoms start at 7 weeks... It can be delayed or for some women there may not be any symptom. Anyways be healthy and happy so that your baby will also be healthy and happy❤❤❤

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