in Tests at Pregnancy by anonymous
I have been experiencing pregnancy symptoms for over a month, but my home pregnancy test came back negative. Has anyone else had this experience before? Is it possible to still be pregnant despite the negative result?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer


2 Answers

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by anonymous

I am going  thru that now and I am confused. I have tested 3 times now and came out negative ,but I still have all the pregnancy symptoms plus I even feel something below my abdomen and my abdomen.I am also seeking for answers too.

You might have these pregnancy like symptoms if you are low in blood. But if you go to your GP, they can prescribe you a blood test. That blood test is very accurate and you will know if you are really pregnant or something else.
0 votes

It does not mean that you are not pregnant. By my first pregnancy I did a test as well and it was negative but I was pregnant, it was just soon for making the test. If I were you I would wait a week or two and try again or going to the doctor. Good luck

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