in Pregnancy Period General by anonymous

So I'm 22 weeks and 1 day pregnant and I heard around this time you should feel the baby kick I've been feeling some sort of feeling in my stomach how does the kick actually feel like

2 Answers

0 votes

A flutter at first. I didn't feel my first proper kick till 27-28w

Put your hand on the side of your mouth and poke your tongue to the side... that's kinder what it feels like :)  

by anonymous
Im 22weeks and 2days. This is my 1st baby and i started feeling him a week ago. Sometimes it feels like a coordinated fish, or like gas bubbles. Hrs kicked me so i can feel it through my tummy and that i cant explain. Its a cool feeling. Youll be able to tell if hes kicking or rolling over in your tummy  Youll know for sure if its the baby or gas though.
0 votes

It feels like nothung you have ever felt before..you wont forget that feeling ever. Cherish then take videos for memories..let daddy feel it, its ecciting for them since they dont get to carry the baby or understand what its like to be pregnant


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