in Tests at Pregnancy by (1 point)
I took a home pregnancy test and saw a very faint color line indicating a positive result. However, two days later, my blood test came back negative. Can you help me understand if I am pregnant or not?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

A positive faint line on a home pregnancy test can indicate the presence of hCG hormone, which is produced during pregnancy. However, it's important to note that the sensitivity of home tests can vary, leading to faint lines. Blood tests are more accurate as they measure the exact level of hCG in your system. In some cases, it's possible for the hCG levels to be too low to detect in a blood test early on. It's recommended to wait a few days and retest with another home pregnancy test or consult with your healthcare provider for further evaluation. They may suggest repeating the blood test after a few days or performing an ultrasound to confirm pregnancy.

5 Answers

0 votes
Visit a obgyn to be certain
by (3 points)
I've had 2 pregnancies now that don't show any positive results it's only through having a scan that they were confirmed and I'm 14weeks and can feel all the different sensations and have a little bulging bump already lol
0 votes
by (3 points)

hi, when I was 17 I was pregnant with my daughter and I went to a few different doctor's as all my pregnancy tests were coming back negative HPT showed a slight faint 2nd line but it was only when I got sent to the hospital they did a scan on me and i was already 6 Months pregnant I didn't even have a belly but got 1 at the end of 6months I felt pregnant could feel the baby move but the doctor's wouldn't believe me it was only the scan that showed I was 6months gone they were baffled by the results even my bloods came back as negative they thought then maybe it was twins having to much HCG can sometimes give a false negative,, So Now 17years later I'm 14weeks pregnant and the same again things is happening to me HPT is showing faint line blood isn't showing anything but the scan showed a healthy baby!!!❤️❤️ ask for a scan if you still think you Are pregnant it will put your mind at ease and then you can start getting prepared for a new baby, fingers crossed all goes good for you, I'm 34 now &this is my 2nd baby but I've a bump already where the 1st time id no bump until 7months, but every woman is different, GOODLUCK let us know how you get on, xx

Hi.. i also had faint positive lines and then hcg test was negative. I was broken.
But dont worry u will get pregnant very soon if not this time. Faint line getting dark within 48 hours is a positive sign.
0 votes
May be it is evaporative line
0 votes
Iny case there is 4 hpt is passitive but urine is nagative but still I am pragnent in 5 week
0 votes
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