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Can keeping the foot elevated help in changing the position of the baby during pregnancy? I recently had a Cerclage procedure and I'm currently 28+1 days pregnant. Do you have any advice or experiences to share?

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Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Elevating your foot during pregnancy may provide some relief from discomfort, but it is unlikely to directly change the position of your baby. The position of your baby is primarily determined by factors such as uterine shape, placenta location, and fetal movement. However, there are certain exercises and positions that can encourage optimal fetal positioning. These include spending time on all fours, sitting on an exercise ball, and doing pelvic tilts. It's important to consult with your healthcare provider before attempting any exercises or positions to ensure they are safe for you and your baby. Additionally, every pregnancy is unique, so it's best to rely on professional advice rather than personal experiences alone. Your healthcare provider will be able to provide you with specific guidance based on your individual circumstances.

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