in Mother's Health in Pregnancy by
I had a past miscarriage the day after a transvaginal scan, and now I'm 5 weeks and 6 days pregnant. When is it safe for me to have my first abdominal scan?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

It is understandable that you may have concerns about undergoing another transvaginal scan due to your past experience. In most cases, a transabdominal ultrasound can be performed around 8-12 weeks of pregnancy to confirm the presence of a gestational sac, fetal heartbeat, and estimate the due date. However, it's important to consult with your healthcare provider who will consider your individual circumstances and advise you on the best timing for an abdominal scan. They may recommend waiting until closer to 12 weeks when the fetus is larger and easier to visualize through the abdomen. Remember to communicate your concerns with your healthcare provider so they can provide appropriate care and support throughout your pregnancy journey.

2 Answers

0 votes
You can do your ultrasound scan at 8weeks. There's a possibility to see the yolk sac and fetal pole. 
0 votes
I won't be having scans on my pregnancy. Past pregnancies I have always miscarried 3-4 days after scan. I have a healthy child with no scans performed. Am having second child with  no scans.

Scans can cause some women to ovulate and miscarry. Scans can also cause devolopmental issues of fetus due to inexperience and training of the operator. 

Research for yourself about scans and decide what is best for you. 

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