It is possible for the first ultrasound due dates to be inaccurate, although the chances are relatively low. Ultrasounds are typically performed in the early stages of pregnancy to estimate the gestational age and calculate the due date. However, there are a few factors that can contribute to inaccuracies in these estimates. One factor is the timing of the ultrasound itself. If it is performed too early or too late in pregnancy, it can affect the accuracy of determining gestational age. Another factor is individual variations in fetal growth rates. Every baby develops at their own pace, so if a baby's growth rate differs from average norms, it can lead to discrepancies in estimated due dates. Additionally, errors made during measurement or interpretation of ultrasound images can also impact accuracy. Overall, while there is a possibility of first ultrasound due dates being wrong, healthcare providers take multiple factors into consideration and use additional methods like physical exams and subsequent ultrasounds to refine and confirm estimated due dates as pregnancy progresses.