in Pregnancy Period General by
I had sex with my husband while being 30 weeks pregnant, and afterwards, I noticed some blood-like spotting when I wiped. The next day, it was gone, and the baby is still moving and kicking. Should I be worried about this?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

It is not uncommon to experience some spotting after sex during pregnancy. This can happen due to increased blood flow to the cervix or sensitivity of the cervix during pregnancy. However, if you notice heavy bleeding, severe pain, or any other concerning symptoms, it is important to contact your healthcare provider right away. Otherwise, if the spotting has stopped and your baby is still active and moving as usual, there is likely no cause for immediate concern. However, it's always a good idea to discuss any changes or concerns with your healthcare provider during your regular prenatal visits to ensure everything is progressing well with your pregnancy.

1 Answer

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No worries - sex may cause spotting. You will want to be careful though, but as long as baby is moving and the bleeding has stopped I wouldn't worry too much. If bleeding persists, you have pain or contractions call your ob/gyn. The only concern is if you begin to have early contractions. Prostaglandins in semen may cause contraction so the closer you get to term the more careful you need to be. 

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