in Baby Health During Pregnancy by anonymous

I'm 7 weeks and 6 days pregnant I had a miscarriage about 3 months ago and I'm afraid it's happening again.. I was at work and started bleeding lightly I went to the er we're they did a Ultrasound they told me as of now baby looked okay it's heart rate  was 117 beats per min they told me I did have a bacterial infection and proscribed me some antibiotics I did stop bleeding while I was at the er and didn't bleed anyore for the next two days but when I woke up this morning I was bleeding again its light more than spotting but not as much as a period and I'm just very scared and worried that I'm having another miscarriage I called my ob and they told me to monitor the bleeding  and if it became heavy or I started cramping to return to the er she also said it could be from the bacterial infection or could just be early pregnancy bleeding ... Has anyone had this problem and still have a healthy baby and suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.... And also I haven't had any cramping just light bleeding

2 Answers

+1 vote
I had bleeding and passed clots but stayed down for 4days besides bathroom breaks.  Bleeding stopped and my hcg levels are rising good!  I did have cramping though .  I am on progesterone supplements to help my body maintain the pregnancy.   I am 40.  Best of luck and hang in there!  My mother would bleed very heavy with several pregnancies and they turned out ok but everyone is different.
by anonymous
Hope everything goes well for you, as you said everyone is different  i bled a bit at around 4 weeks clots too but it lasted 3 days and everything is good, good luck
by (0 points)
How bad was your cramping.
Hello should I also get progesterone supplements, I'm now 7 weeks I've had cramps for a week with mild bleeding, brownlike discharge, I'm on antibiotics for infection, I'm just hanging in there, and I went for a scan at 6 weeks and 4 days it doesn't show anything but how old the baby is and when will it be born.. Should I be worried.
+1 vote

Hi! I had bleeding 2 times too. Once in 6 weeks and it lasted for 3 days and once in 9 weeks but this time lasted for a week. First day much more than spotting but then continued as spotting. My midwife believed that because i always had regular period so that is because of that. 

I was too worried too. But now i am in 13 weeks and never had spotting again. 

by anonymous
I bled at 4 weeks not to heavy but clots were there it lasted 3 days and I'm 8 weeks now and everything is good, good luck to you and happy healthy pregnancy and baby ❤

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