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What should I do if I'm 39 weeks and 6 days pregnant but haven't experienced any labor pain due to the lockdown in India? How can I manage this situation without being able to visit a doctor?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

If you're nearing your due date and haven't experienced any labor pain, there are a few things you can try to encourage natural labor. First, make sure you're staying active by walking or doing light exercises, as this can help stimulate contractions. Additionally, try nipple stimulation or having sex, as these activities may help trigger labor. It's also important to stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet. However, if you have any concerns or notice any unusual symptoms, it's crucial to reach out to your healthcare provider for guidance. While visiting a doctor may be challenging during the lockdown in India, they may be able to provide telemedicine consultations or offer advice over the phone. Remember that every pregnancy is different, and some women may not experience labor pain until they are in active labor. Stay calm and monitor your baby's movements closely. If you notice a decrease in fetal movement or have any other concerns about your baby's well-being, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

2 Answers

0 votes
Sometimes.your baby can come later than your due date. As long as you feel good and you feel your baby moving there is nothing to worry about. Just keep waiting unless your obgyn tells you differently
Yes but please check with your Dr and make sure the baby if okay ..some people have coke as this induces labour
What??? They have drugs i hope its soda what your talking about
0 votes
Due date is a round about time for delivery. Lot of factors come to play that when your baby is ready to come out. It is not something that you should worry about. In India, generally they wait for a week more than your EDD and induce you if till 41 weeks you do not have labour starting on its own. You should go see your doctor at most by day after tomorrow. Even in lockdown, doctor appointments for pregnant women is considered essential. You can easily go without anyone stopping you. I went to 2 of my appointments during lockdown. Make sure you get your doctor's phone number to call in case of emergency and also ambulance number ready at hand.
Telling some to use coke to induce labor is BS !!! That's not cool!!
Umm yeah I agree
I'm pretty sure, they were talking about the soda drink. That's what I think anyways, not actual cocaine.

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