in Pregnancy Period General by
I am currently 9 months pregnant and my baby is in a breech position. Can I still have a normal delivery or will I need a C-section?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

It is possible to have a normal delivery even if your baby is in a breech position, but it depends on various factors. In some cases, doctors may attempt to manually turn the baby into the head-down position through external cephalic version (ECV). This procedure involves applying pressure on your abdomen to encourage the baby to flip. However, ECV may not be recommended if you have certain medical conditions or complications with your pregnancy. If ECV is unsuccessful or not an option for you, your doctor may recommend a C-section as the safest method of delivery. It's important to discuss your options with your healthcare provider and make an informed decision based on your specific circumstances.

3 Answers

0 votes
It may still be possible if baby turns head down on its own. Sometimes it happens, but most of the time it doesn't happen this late in pregnancy. Your doctor may perform something called Version, where they manipulate baby's position through your stomach. It is very uncomfortable and often not successful. Talk with your doctor, sometimes it's safer to have a cesarean than do those other things.
0 votes
I had my first baby as a vaginal breech.They only realized during labour that she was breech. She was 2465g full term so on the small side. It depends on the size of your baby and the exact position. They can check that though with ultrasound and x-ray. Also depends on the doctor if they are willing to let you try having a vag breech or if they only do a c-section then.
0 votes
In my state breech position is an automatic c section i labored on my own and went to the hospital when i was like 4cm dilated but she was butt first so I had to have a c section

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