in Baby Health During Pregnancy by
Hi Mommies, I am 29 weeks pregnant and have been experiencing frequent headaches. Despite normal test results and adequate hydration, the recommended panado is no longer effective. What could be causing these persistent headaches and how can I find relief?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Headaches are a common complaint during pregnancy, affecting many expectant mothers. While hormonal changes and increased blood volume can contribute to headaches, other factors may also play a role. These include stress, fatigue, poor posture, dehydration, caffeine withdrawal, sinus congestion, or even an underlying medical condition. To alleviate your symptoms, try implementing some of the following strategies:

  • Practice relaxation techniques: Engage in activities like deep breathing exercises or prenatal yoga to reduce stress levels.

  • Get enough rest: Make sure you are getting adequate sleep each night to prevent fatigue-induced headaches.

  • Maintain good posture: Poor posture can strain your neck and lead to tension headaches. Be mindful of your posture throughout the day.

  • Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration which can trigger headaches.

  • Manage caffeine intake: Gradually reduce your caffeine consumption if you suspect it may be contributing to your headaches.

  • Apply cold or warm compresses: Placing a cold or warm compress on your forehead or neck may help alleviate headache pain.

  • Consider alternative therapies: Consult with your healthcare provider about safe options such as acupuncture or massage therapy for headache relief.

  • Talk to your doctor about medication alternatives: If over-the-counter pain relievers like panado are not providing relief, discuss other safe options with your doctor that are suitable for use during pregnancy.

    Remember to always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new treatments or medications during pregnancy to ensure their safety for both you and your baby.

  • 1 Answer

    0 votes
    Headaches can be caused by many things. If your blood pressure is normal and you drink at least 2 liters of water per day. It could be if you do not get enough rest, also of you are stressed and tense you can have tention headaches. I would recommend trying ways to de-stress like meditaion/ pregnancy yoga. Also get at least 8 hours of sleep at night and if you are feeling tired during the day and have the opportunity than take a nap as well. Other than that follow up with your doctor 

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