in Pregnancy Period General by
I'm currently 15 weeks and 5 days pregnant, and I've noticed that my feet are getting swollen by the end of the day. Is this a normal symptom during pregnancy or should I be concerned?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Swelling in the feet is a common symptom during pregnancy, especially as you progress further along. It is caused by increased blood volume and pressure on the veins due to weight gain. Hormonal changes can also contribute to water retention. While some swelling is normal, excessive or sudden swelling accompanied by other symptoms like severe headache or high blood pressure could indicate a more serious condition called preeclampsia. If you're experiencing any concerning symptoms, it's important to consult your healthcare provider for evaluation and guidance. In the meantime, there are steps you can take to manage swelling such as elevating your feet when possible, avoiding standing or sitting for long periods, wearing comfortable shoes, and staying hydrated. Gentle exercise like walking can also help improve circulation.

1 Answer

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by (36 points)
Hello,  feet can swell for a number of reasons during pregnancy. First and for most i would recommend that you are staying hydrated. Drink as close to 2 liters of water a day as possible. Also put your deet up and elevated as much as possible throughout the pregnancy. If the swellimg continues or you are feeling concern please schedule an appointment with your OBGYN as they can go over all the reason with you that they may be swelling and give you the best recommedations for your body to help reduce this.

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