in Pregnancy Period General by anonymous

I will be 13 weeks and 5 days when I go for my next ultrasound and wondering if that is too soon to find out the gender. I am really anxious considering we already have two girls and want a boy really bad.

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I found out I was pregnant with a boy, when I was 13weeks along, in 2011

Boy at 12 weeks in 2002
13 weeks and 3 days
Found out it's a girl at 12w 4days.
Boy at 13 wks May 2018
I asked if she could try to see and tell me what she thinks it would likely be, but there was absolutely no mistaking in that pic that it was a boy. My DNA test came back shortly afterwards and confirmed that it was a boy as well.

My SIL found out at 11 wks that it was "likely" a girl, and sure enough it was confirmed later on a few years ago

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