It is common for fetal movements to change in frequency and intensity throughout pregnancy. At around 23 weeks, you may start to notice a decrease in the number of kicks and movements compared to earlier stages. This is because your baby's growth accelerates during this time, leaving less space for them to move around freely. Additionally, their sleep-wake cycles become more established, resulting in periods of increased activity followed by longer periods of rest.
However, it's important to pay attention to your baby's overall pattern of movement rather than focusing on individual episodes. If you notice a significant decrease or absence of movement over an extended period (more than 24 hours), it's essential to contact your healthcare provider immediately.
To encourage your baby's movements, try lying on your side or drinking something cold and sweet before monitoring their activity. Remember that every pregnancy is unique, so if you have any concerns about changes in fetal movement or if you're experiencing other unusual symptoms such as severe pain or bleeding, always consult with your healthcare provider for further evaluation and reassurance.