in Pregnancy Period General by
How many months do I have to wait before I can determine the sex of my baby? Is there a specific time during pregnancy when it can be determined?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

The sex of a baby can usually be determined through ultrasound between 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. However, it is important to note that the accuracy of determining the baby's sex may vary depending on factors such as the position of the baby and the expertise of the technician performing the ultrasound. In some cases, it may not be possible to determine the sex even at this stage. If you are eager to know your baby's sex, consult with your healthcare provider who can guide you on when and how it can be determined in your specific case.

5 Answers

0 votes
Everything I've read says from week 20
0 votes
At about 20 weeks you will get to find out the babies gender but it all depends on if the baby is helpful during the scan so they can see if not then you will have to wait a little longer 
0 votes
The test you take at 9 weeks the nipt test can tell you the sex of the childif you are beyond 9 weeks then you wait until you are at least  5 months
0 votes
Found out I'm having a boy at only 12 weeks... Depends on who is doing the ultrasound I guess...
0 votes
Well theres different ways to find out as early as 9 weeks I had an hd ultrasound done at 17 weeks found gender out then 

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