in Tests at Pregnancy by (2 points)
What are typical HCG levels at 5 weeks 5 days? Are there any cases of multiple pregnancies with specific HCG levels? Specifically, has anyone experienced triplets with HCG levels around this time?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

At 5 weeks 5 days pregnant, the average HCG level can vary widely. However, a range between 18,000 and 20,000 mIU/mL is considered within the normal range. It's important to note that individual HCG levels can differ significantly and should not be used as a definitive indicator of multiple pregnancies.

While high HCG levels can sometimes indicate multiples, it is not always the case. Ultrasound scans are more accurate in determining if you are carrying twins or triplets. If you suspect a multiple pregnancy or have concerns about your HCG levels, it's best to consult with your healthcare provider.

Every pregnancy is unique, and experiences with HCG levels can vary greatly among individuals. It's essential to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to HCG levels and multiple pregnancies.

5 Answers

0 votes
Nah... That's just your hormone level but if it's more than double then there is a possibility your carrying multiples.  But it could also mean your blood level is high.. So really depends on you your hands and what your body decides... Good luck
0 votes
At 4 weeks mine was 250 on april 10 then april 17th it was 1900 mine more than tripled I'm pretty sure so I'm wondering the same thing!
0 votes
Your numbers are really high though but did it more than double or ?
0 votes
I got my blood work done at 6 weeks and 3 days my hcg was 65,000 only one baby so not necessarily 
0 votes
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