When it comes to sharing exciting news like a pregnancy, open and honest communication is key. Start by finding the right time and place where both of you can have an uninterrupted conversation. Begin by expressing your feelings of excitement about the baby on the way, emphasizing that you understand your partner's concerns but also highlighting the positive aspects of expanding your family. Share any plans or preparations you've made to address their worries about readiness. Listen attentively to their response and concerns, allowing them to express their thoughts fully without interruption. Reassure them that you value their opinion and are committed to working together as a team throughout this journey. It's important to remain patient and understanding during this discussion, as emotions may be running high for both of you. By approaching the conversation with empathy and respect, you increase the chances of reaching a mutual understanding and finding common ground moving forward. Remember that every relationship is unique, so tailor your approach based on what works best for both of you.