in Problems in becoming pregnant by (605 points)
I am 27 and my husband is 29. We have been trying to conceive for the past 6 months with no success. We use an OP App to track ovulation and take prenatal vitamins regularly. What else can we do to increase our chances of getting pregnant? Any guidance would be appreciated.
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

If you've been trying to conceive for six months without success, there are a few things you can try to increase your chances of getting pregnant. Firstly, continue using the ovulation prediction app as it helps identify your most fertile days. Additionally, consider having sex every other day during your fertile window to maximize the chances of sperm meeting egg. It's also important for both partners to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding excessive alcohol or tobacco use. If you haven't already done so, consult with a healthcare provider who specializes in fertility for further evaluation and advice tailored specifically to your situation. They may recommend additional tests or treatments such as checking hormone levels or conducting a semen analysis. Remember that conception can take time even under ideal circumstances, so try not to stress too much and focus on maintaining a positive mindset throughout the process.

3 Answers

0 votes
by (605 points)

I agree with allyouneedislove - you can chart your ovulation and get a pretty clear picture of what is happening. BBT will help you know if you really are ovulating. 6 months feels like forever when you are TTC, but really it's very normal. A fertility specialist will tell you to give it a year before they start any treatment.

0 votes
by (605 points)
You have to vitamin tablets. And take fruits avoid junk food.
0 votes
by (605 points)

It varies. Sometimes weight can have something to do with conception. Maybe your body is truly not ready but your heart is. Give it a little bit of time. If all else fails try ivf.

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