in Mother's Health in Pregnancy by (605 points)
Has anyone experienced a burning sensation in their upper abdomen during the late 3rd trimester? It feels like an internal sunburn and is primarily on the upper right side. My doctor tested for PIH, but results were negative. The pain is constant and worsens with movement. Any advice or similar experiences?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Experiencing a burning sensation in the upper abdomen during the late 3rd trimester can be concerning. While it may not be related to preeclampsia, it's important to address this discomfort. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

  • Heartburn: Hormonal changes can cause acid reflux, leading to a burning sensation. Try eating smaller meals, avoiding trigger foods, and propping up your head while sleeping.
  • Gallbladder issues: Pregnancy hormones can affect gallbladder function, causing pain on the upper right side of the abdomen. Consult your doctor for further evaluation.
  • Round ligament pain: As your uterus expands, it puts pressure on the round ligaments which can cause a burning sensation. Resting and using heat packs may help alleviate discomfort.
  • Muscle strain: Physical activity or sudden movements can strain abdominal muscles, resulting in pain that intensifies when you move around. Take it easy and avoid strenuous activities.
  • Consult your healthcare provider: If the pain persists or becomes severe, consult your doctor for a thorough examination and appropriate treatment.

    Remember to always communicate any concerns with your healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and guidance throughout your pregnancy journey

  • 2 Answers

    0 votes

    That is most likely heart burn. Very normal but still painful. Ask your doctor what you can take for it. Tums helps, milk also. Try to avoid acidic food and drinks.

    Yes its heartburn. Very painful and uncomfortable feeling.I am almost 20 weeks with second child. I take Omeperzole refilled by doctor. Take daily or 30 min before eating.
    0 votes

    Yes I do have, mine is heartburn caused by reflux, in fact even scared of eating sometimes just to avoid it, talk to ur Dr,  they might give u an antacid to relieve ita or h2 blockers, do not eat close to bed time, avoid spicy food

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