in Problems in becoming pregnant by (1 point)
I'm 19 years old and recently found out that I'm pregnant. The father of the baby doesn't want to be involved, and I feel lost and confused about what to do. Can anyone offer me some guidance or advice on how to make the best decision for myself and my future?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Facing an unplanned pregnancy at a young age can be overwhelming, but remember that you have options and support available to you. It's important to take some time to consider your own feelings, values, and goals before making a decision. Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or professionals who can provide non-judgmental support and guidance during this time. Consider speaking with a healthcare provider or visiting a local pregnancy resource center to gather information about all of your options - parenting, adoption, or abortion - so that you can make an informed decision that aligns with your personal circumstances. Remember that ultimately, the choice is yours and there is no right or wrong answer - it's about what feels right for you in this moment of your life. Take care of yourself emotionally and physically throughout this process by seeking counseling if needed and accessing prenatal care if you decide to continue with the pregnancy.

7 Answers

0 votes
At the end of the day it's up to you what you want to do. If he wasn't ready to be a father he should of use a condom. It's your body so it's your choice. 
0 votes
Don't kill the innocent baby please my dear keep that child who knows maybe he,she can be our future president
I totally agree with you
0 votes
Call the pregnancy care place and you will get information you need , free prenatal classes , you will get connected to moms around you and you will get free baby stuff second hand but clean and in perfect condition.  This can break down some financial barriers and also prepare you for the future. Plus they will have someone drive you wen ur going into labour thes a friend assigned to you even if you wake up in middle of night. Plus they will give you more info on what or who to contact for any further help. If your in Canada. Am not sure about USA pregnancy care places.
0 votes
I had an abortion at 29 years old and regretted it when it was too late to reverse the damage done. I spent all night crying because I was given the opportinity to live while the baby inside me who is my flesh and my blood was getting shredded to fall off my lining. I was so depressed and sad. That baby will be your life, your push to get through hard times and nobody ever eill amount to the love that baby will give you. I wish I had someone to talk me out of abortion. God has truely given you a blessing.
Reach out to someone in your area.  You can always do it on your own, give it up for adoption, or other choices.  No one is to tell you what you have to do, but you should be provided with all the info you can get to make an educated decision. I recently looked at options for adoption because I wasn't sure about my current situation. Sometimes you can be helped with rent and doctors bills,  etc. I also had an abortion the first time I was pregnant.  I'd never do it again,  and in that situation I thought it was the best choice... I just recommend getting information and not making a rash decision without being 100% sure.
0 votes
by anonymous
That's your baby regardless of it's stupid dad.

Bare with the pregnancy my dear..

I was 3years younger than you are by th

e time I got pregnant of my son. It's so challengive but all will come to pass and you'll be very happy with your baby..

God bless you.
All babies are a blessing despite how u got them.
0 votes
I had my daughter at 17. My daughter's dad didnt want to keep her i was young and scared but i kept her shes almost 10 years old im so happy i did and i made the choice to not give her up idk what i would do without her. I found my husband that loves her and he is her dad so you dont have to be biological to be the father someone will love her as his own just like he should have.im 27 now and i have 3 more kids and im pregnant 8 months:)
0 votes
I have went thru almost the same thing I was 18 pregnant with my son. The father didnt want him and bag me to get rid of the baby. Even tried to throw me downstairs. I kept the baby and didnt have no contact with the father, until child support got him 2 years later. Basically he run away from us. Now my son is 14 years old and blessing. I co parent with the father grandparents. Because of what the father did to me I dont be around him. So kept the baby he is a blessing and the father will pay one way or another. 

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