in Mother's Health in Pregnancy by
I'm 15 weeks pregnant and experiencing intense anger towards my partner. It's gotten to the point where I can't even be in the same room as him. How can I address this issue and should I talk to him about it?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Experiencing anger towards your partner during pregnancy is not uncommon, as hormonal changes can lead to heightened emotions. It's important to address these feelings for the sake of your relationship and overall well-being.

Firstly, understand that these emotions are normal and temporary. Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can cause mood swings, irritability, and increased sensitivity. Recognize that your anger may not be entirely rational or related to your partner's actions.

Communication is key in any relationship, especially during challenging times like pregnancy. Talking openly with your partner about how you're feeling can help both of you understand each other better. Choose a calm moment when you're both relaxed and express your concerns without blaming or accusing him.

Consider seeking professional help if the anger persists or becomes overwhelming. A therapist or counselor experienced in couples therapy or prenatal counseling can provide guidance and support for managing these emotions effectively.

Self-care is crucial during pregnancy, so make sure you prioritize activities that help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Engage in regular exercise, practice deep breathing techniques, meditate, or indulge in activities that bring you joy.

Seeking support from other pregnant women or joining a prenatal support group can also be beneficial. Sharing experiences with others who are going through similar challenges can provide validation and helpful advice.

Remember that this phase will pass, and maintaining a strong foundation of communication and understanding with your partner will help navigate this journey together successfully.

8 Answers

0 votes

Im 32 weeks pregnant and me and my partner are just starting to get along again. It was mainly my fault because of my mood swings but i felt like it was always his fault. But he is going through just as many changes and worrys as i am. It just takes the guys a little longer to become daddy material!!

0 votes

Its normal to have mood swings while pregnant, its the chemicals in the body. I'm 20 weeks + 3 days and I'm a nightmare to my partner. I keep telling him that if he wants to leave me then that's OK, but I know deep down I want him to stay. I'm surprised he's kept his cool with me. I get moody at every little thing with him. I can't help it, but when he mentions my mood swings, I can't remember having them, or I tell him "I wasn't that bad, was I?". I'm trying yoga, but not too much stressful yoga. I'm doing breathing exercises to calm my mood down. It works for me, well sometimes lol. Good luck :) 

0 votes

You surely need to talk to him. I am 25 weeks pregnant and I use to feel the same initially. I use to even shout at him. Most of the times he use to just walk off asking me to cool down but sometimes I got too demanding and use to get a piece of his mind. He understood the changes happening in me and the effects of it. We use to talk about the mood swing when I was in good mood and he use to always smile and make fun of the moments I got mad at him. We need to understand it is not a cake walk for them as well, they too are going through lot of stress and we need to talk all the times... Good luck !!

0 votes
by anonymous
Its by the hormonal change, you should talk to your husband ahout what's happening in your body....by the way this behaviour happened to me also from my wife; she is also pregnant
0 votes
by anonymous

Tbh I have been the exact same through most of my pregnancy causing massive arguments to a point I always walked out... I hurt my partner in many way (never physically) due to be angry an irratated so easily by everything he did or didn't do... but then I found that sometimes just having cuddles an remembering the amazing times we've had an how much we love each other an why...an the wonderful journey were sharing together right now is enough to make all the anger an such like slip away... sometimes it just takes little reminders of how great something really is to take the focus off... try talking to your partner cuz i know when I use to be like that I use to hate myself afterwards which would make me feel even worse... but now we take a step back have cuddles an laugh it off...x

0 votes

Just talk to him. Im only 5 weeks and 1 day today and my mood swings have been out of this world. But he understands and he helps me thru them all. He even jokes about them once im calmed and says im mean. But we always talk about it and get thru it together :)

0 votes
Yes talk to him about it make him understand is not your right state of mind 
0 votes
by (13 points)
I definitely feel you I'm the exact same way with my partner.. but he understands that I'm pregnant and moody you should definitely just talk to him and apologize after you have calmed down after the argument. 

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