in Pregnancy Period General by anonymous
After having two miscarriages in the first trimester, what steps can I take to avoid another one during my current pregnancy?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer


8 Answers

0 votes
The few ways you can contribute in preventing miscarriage is to carryout medical investigation on the reasons why you miscarried before.The investigation could include areas like:

Stress,cervical incompetence, diabetes,progesterone level etc and each has a possible solution.Then if medically you are sound in all this areas,you will be prescribed DUPHASTON AND VASOPRIN which u will start taking immediately you test positive again till 33weeks of pregnancy. Good luck
I have m.c 4 times I'm 32 and for 17 yrs they (drs) told me it wasn't  possible.. I'm 23 weeks now and so far he is growing like a weed and so am i...  I even bleed for the first 3 months like a period... still dont know why... just take it easy try not to strain or over do your self and pray (if your religious)... I wish u all the luck and will keep u In my thoughts ... m.c suck no matter what week your in
Am going through the same thing, am supposed to be 9 weeks pregnant, i bleed on the 4the week and 8 week like a period. I still feel pregnant. But i thing my tommy is supposed to be bigger, i dont know what is going on and i dont know what to do either. Home pregnancy test went negative.
You bleed for how many days, i'm experiencing this right now 7 weeks  but bleed for 1 day
0 votes
by anonymous
R.E.S.T. You're probably active and needs to chill for a few weeks
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Take parental multi vitamins ! 
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by (10 points)
Don't worry.all will be best.just take proper rest and always in touch with ur gyncologist.i m also facing same problem.but now I m 14 week pregnant with healthy baby
0 votes
Take duphaston tablet. It is not harmfull. U can search in Google tooo. It is better to baby health.
0 votes
I lost a set of twins and 3 singletons before i had my son who is now two. The dr had me taking progesterone vaginal suppositories. I then got pregnant again did not take the progesterone and lost that one. I am currently 32 weeks with a little girl and big surprise i took the progesterone with her as well. It has really made a difference in my ability to maintain a pregnancy. Talk to your dr best of luck to you
0 votes
I've mad 3 miscarriage all in first trimester I'm pregnant now I'm 11 weeks today babys doing good what I would do is rest alot eat healthy and  don't do slot till your in the clear ok good luck on bang
0 votes
I've mad 3 miscarriage all in first trimester I'm pregnant now I'm 11 weeks today babys doing good what I would do is rest alot eat healthy and  don't do slot till your in the clear ok good luck on baby

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