in Pregnancy Period General by anonymous
Is it normal to not have any pregnancy symptoms except for fatigue when you are 3 months pregnant?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

It is not uncommon for some women to experience minimal or no pregnancy symptoms during the first trimester, including at 3 months. Every woman's body is unique, and the presence or absence of symptoms can vary. While fatigue is a common symptom of pregnancy, other typical signs such as morning sickness, breast tenderness, and frequent urination may not always manifest in every woman. If you are concerned about the lack of symptoms, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider for reassurance and guidance. They can evaluate your specific situation and provide appropriate advice based on your individual circumstances. Remember that every pregnancy is different, and what matters most is ensuring the well-being of both you and your baby throughout this journey.

6 Answers

0 votes
For some people yeah dont jinx yourself I have been tired and ill since I found out your just one of the lucky ones 
Yesss that's me, never had any I'm just forever tired and also 3montjs
0 votes
Each pregnancy is different  but fatigue  is common in the first and third trimesters
0 votes
Yes. I had no symptoms besides extreme tiredness up until about 13 weeks.

No sickness nor cravings. 

The only thing that kept me assured that a baby was inside of me was my 12 weeks ultrasound. 

Now 18w with first baby and feeling movemebts from 16w.
by (11 points)
I am getting an ultrasound in a few weeks so hopefully that will assure me I have a baby as I do not have any symptoms other them tired and pee a little more.
0 votes
Perfectly normal. Fatigue is a given because your body is working hard at co-creating a little human. You definitely do not have to have every symptom in the book. Don't go wishing for those other baddies now. Lol. Enjoy the peace. Congratulations 
0 votes
Its very normal and pray it stays that way cause you are lucky. And you still have a long way ahead things might change as you get bigger. So enjoy....
0 votes
it's not normal to not experience at least one symptom I would speak to early pregnancy unit or gp and ask for referral. 

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