in Pregnancy Period General by anonymous
I have a 2cm fibroid and I am currently 12 weeks pregnant. Will this fibroid have any impact on my baby's health or development?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Having a 2cm fibroid during pregnancy is relatively common and usually does not pose significant risks to the baby. However, it is important to monitor the growth of the fibroid throughout your pregnancy as larger fibroids may cause complications such as preterm labor or fetal growth restriction. Your healthcare provider will closely monitor your condition and recommend appropriate measures if necessary. In most cases, small fibroids do not require treatment during pregnancy and can be managed conservatively. It is essential to maintain regular prenatal care visits and communicate any concerns or symptoms you may experience with your healthcare provider.

1 Answer

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I have fibroid during my third baby i has with my son plus im leaking from the fibroid... i had use thd pad to protect  leak ... 

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