in Baby Health During Pregnancy by
I am currently eight weeks pregnant and I have already had to buy maternity clothes because my normal pants are uncomfortable. It's not due to weight gain as I can barely keep anything down. Has anyone else experienced this early showing? Is it normal?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

It is not uncommon for some women to start showing earlier in their pregnancies, even as early as eight weeks. Every woman's body is different, and factors such as the position of the uterus, muscle tone, and previous pregnancies can contribute to how soon a woman begins to show. Additionally, bloating and water retention can also make the belly appear larger. If you are concerned about your early showing or experiencing any discomfort, it is always best to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and reassurance. They can evaluate your specific situation and provide guidance based on your individual circumstances. Remember that every pregnancy is unique, so what may be considered "normal" for one person may differ from another.

2 Answers

0 votes

I'm just over 8 weeks and my pants are getting snug. Since this isn't my first pregnancy I whipped out my old maternity shorts and they are so much more comfortable than prepregnancy pants. At 8 weeks your baby is the size of a kidney bean but your uterus is the size of a grapefruit. I think sticking a grapefruit in your belly could definately make you show a little...especially if you are particularly thin. Happy pregnancy!

0 votes

no it is not all bloating i am 8 wks tomorrow and i am having to wear maternity clothes i cant even fit in my regular clothes anymore and i do not feel bloated! the more pregnancies u have the sooner it is for u to start showing! i have already had 2 babies but this will make 5 pregnancies! i work around nurses and i asked them bout it that is what they told me so good luck!

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