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This is my first pregnancy and I'm worried about everything going right. I'm currently 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant, and today I experienced mild cramping similar to my period, but it went away after a few hours. Is this normal for early pregnancy?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Yes, experiencing mild cramping in early pregnancy is considered normal. Many women experience cramping during the first trimester as the uterus expands and adjusts to accommodate the growing fetus. This cramping is often described as similar to menstrual cramps. However, if the cramping becomes severe or is accompanied by heavy bleeding or other concerning symptoms, it's important to contact your healthcare provider for further evaluation. Otherwise, mild cramping that comes and goes without any other worrisome signs is typically nothing to be concerned about. Remember that every pregnancy is different, so if you have any concerns or questions, don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider for reassurance and guidance.

2 Answers

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Yes, this is completely normal. It happened to me with my first child, and now that I'm 5 weeks pregnant, as of today, it's happening again. My doctor said that as long as it goes away and there is no blood, then you're fine. The reason this is happening is because your uterus is growing to make room for your baby. If you're really still concerned, then call your doctor and schedule an ultrasound. I'm having an early one done at 7 weeks due to the fact that I had a miscarriage in December. I hope this helps

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I have some cramping too and my doctor also tells me it's normal. I have some brown spotting it comes and goes. tomorrow I'll start my 8th week and hopefully it will go away. I had a miscarriage in december 10 weeks, so of course I freak out everytime i feel something coming down. Last friday I have dark red blood come out when I wiped and then it went away. The doctor said it could be the placenta still digging. I had a blood test done, hormone levels were high and an ultrasound during my six week. everything good so far. we'll see what next week brings :). All the pregnancy symtoms are still very strong, nausea the whole day and tender breast. and I am very tired.

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