in Pregnancy Period General by anonymous
Is it possible to find out the gender of my baby when I am 12 weeks pregnant? Thank you.
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

Yes, it is possible to determine the gender of your unborn baby at 12 weeks of pregnancy through various methods. One common method is through a blood test called non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), which analyzes fetal DNA in the mother's blood. This test can accurately detect the presence of Y chromosomes, indicating a male fetus. Another option is an ultrasound scan, although it may be less reliable at this early stage. The accuracy of determining the gender depends on several factors such as the equipment used and the position of the fetus during the scan. It's important to note that these methods are not always 100% accurate, so there is still a small chance of misidentification. If knowing your baby's gender is important to you, consult with your healthcare provider for guidance on which method would be best for you.

9 Answers

0 votes
Only way is to order a sneak peak test online. Otherwise earliest is 15 weeks by 3d ultrasound. Or wait for anatomy scan which is usually done at 18 to 20 weeks. Depending on your country.
I found out at 10 weeks when they did the down syndrome and not test or something  like that .. not sure if that's right it might be napt ... but yes it is doll congrats
0 votes
You can get a blood test and know around 8 weeks. 
0 votes
Yes it is, by this age you should have your first altrusound scan, for your baby's length, position and gender, visit 

your health practitioner 
0 votes
by (6 points)
Im 16 weeks pregnant but Dr said to early to find out the Gender.
0 votes
by (11 points)
You can find out when they do some blood work. That is how I found out.
by anonymous
I'm  in south Africa and I've learned mine at 15 weeks through a sona. It depends on the quality and version of the sona your dr uses.
0 votes
Ask them about the blood test reveal
0 votes
An experienced doctor can see the gender at 12 weeks ultrasound. This was the moment I found out the gender.
0 votes

We asked our gynaec on my 3rd month visit and she told that it's on 18 weeks that we may know the gender of the baby and till then the genital organs of the baby isn't fully developed..


0 votes
Im in Australia, you can get a blood test which you have to be at least 10 weeks. The test checks for down syndrome and any other birth defects. It also checks babies gender at 100% accuracy. It's called NIPT/Harmony Test and cost around $485 otherwise you have to wait much longer. 

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