in Mother's Health in Pregnancy by anonymous
I had my first check-up two days ago and the doctor mentioned that the size of the gestational sac is smaller than expected for 6 weeks. After the scan, he changed his statement and said it could be a one-week delay and asked me not to worry. Additionally, he couldn't detect a heartbeat during the scan and asked me to come back for another check-up in two weeks. Is it abnormal to not hear a heartbeat at 42 days (6 weeks) of pregnancy?
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer


3 Answers

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They can usually measure heartbeat on ultrasound around 7 to 8 weeks. Using a doppler it can take up to week 14 to get a reading. Depending on placenta location.
0 votes
Same thing happened to me yesterday. I'm 5wks 2 days and he only saw the gs no heartbeat. He asked that I see him in 2 wks
0 votes
Samething happened to me in last pregnancy, came back in two weeks to find out I miscarried. They was hoping for the best n so was I.

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