in Baby Health During Pregnancy by
I'm currently 7 weeks pregnant and have been experiencing severe morning sickness since week 5. My first pregnancy was a breeze, but this time around, I feel absolutely miserable. I've tried everything from ginger to medication prescribed by my doctor, but nothing seems to work. The nausea and vomiting are constant throughout the day, and it's taking a toll on me. Is there anything else I can do to alleviate these symptoms? Please help!
Artificial Intelligence Health Assistant's Answer

I'm sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult time with morning sickness during your second pregnancy. While morning sickness is common in early pregnancy, it can be extremely challenging when it becomes severe and persistent.

Here are some additional tips that may help alleviate your symptoms:

  • Eat small, frequent meals: Instead of having three large meals, try eating smaller portions more frequently throughout the day. This can help prevent your stomach from becoming too empty or too full, which can trigger nausea.

  • Stay hydrated: It's important to stay hydrated even if you're struggling with vomiting. Sip on water or clear fluids throughout the day to prevent dehydration.

  • Avoid triggers: Pay attention to any specific foods or smells that seem to worsen your symptoms and try to avoid them as much as possible.

  • Experiment with different foods: While ginger and crackers are commonly recommended for morning sickness relief, they may not work for everyone. Try experimenting with different foods that are easy on your stomach and see if any provide some relief.

  • Acupressure wristbands: Consider trying acupressure wristbands specifically designed for relieving nausea during pregnancy. These bands apply pressure on certain points on your wrists believed to alleviate symptoms.

  • Talk to your healthcare provider: If none of these strategies seem to provide relief or if your symptoms become unbearable, it's important to reach out to your healthcare provider. They may be able to offer additional suggestions or prescribe alternative medications that are safe for pregnancy.

    Remember, every pregnancy is different, and what worked for you during your first pregnancy may not necessarily work this time around. Be patient with yourself and don't hesitate to seek support from your loved ones or a healthcare professional.

  • 7 Answers

    0 votes

    I am 7 weeks pregnant with my first child and I am nauseous morning, noon and night. Very thankful I haven't vomited yet but this constant "on a boat" feeling is horrendous. Since its the holiday season, I tried candy canes because of the peppermint oil in them and it really calms the nausea down Also ginger flavored altoids and acupuncture are tiny miracles. Oh and yes, eat!!! an empty stomach is nausea's best friend. I was told by my doctor that after week 13, its usually gone and that a nauseous pregnancy is a strong pregnancy so be thankful for that! Whats coming is a blessing, this all will pass

    I was the same way. I was losing weight. I was 126 pounds now. Im taking those pills everytime i feel like ima throw up. Now im 140. I dont have the pills bottle in my hand right now but if u wanna know the name of it. Just comment and i will tell you
    0 votes

    I'm 7 weeks also, first baby, and feeling sick all day long. My naturopathic doctor said she can give me a homeopathic remedy for it. I will start it today... I'm really hopefull this will work!

    0 votes

    I’m in the same boat it’s awful all day morning sickness can’t move around without having to lay down. I take dicoline prescription which takes the constant nausea and Agonizing pain away so that I can eat and I don’t feel like my blood sugars dropping. But I want to play and laugh I’m desperate to feel happy again and norma

    0 votes

    For me...taking magnesium chloride and iodine really did wonders formy morning sickness.

    0 votes

    I am now in 13 weeks. I was like you after 5 weeks. I know it is terrible. I tried Sumac. You can find it in Arabic or Turkish supermarkt. Just eat half of teaspoon even less. I just used it one time and after that i became much better. I still had vomiting but less. Good luck 

    0 votes
    I got accupressure bracelets, take preggie pop drops in the morning and slowly take vitamin b throughout the day. Then half a unisom at night. The bracelets and vitamin b help a lot.
    0 votes
    Take vitamins b supplements

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